Setting the Stage
Here is an email I received from the DOJ accepting my complaint which says that they will look into it:
"You contacted the Department of Justice on July 1, 2021. Your report number is 83404-WLP. The Civil Rights Division relies on information from community members to identify potential civil rights violations. The Federal Bureau of Investigation and other law enforcement agencies conduct investigations for the Division. Therefore, you may want to contact your local FBI office or visit"
A Point of Information: a Quote from a Mayo clinic letter: “Several studies have shown that addressing the spiritual needs of the patient may enhance recovery from illness.”
In 40 years and dealing with perhaps a dozen psychologists and psychiatrists. In that time not one made one single comment about my experiences or asked a single question. THAT is Conditioning Big Time. At the end of the 40 years I asked my psychiatrist (mood disorder) about the Definist Fallacy. She blew it off saying she had no opinion. I filed 4 complaints with Kaiser Permanente and never got an answer. The KP quality assurance person said psychiatrists don’t always say the right things. Dr Neal my psychiatrist said she didn’t recall saying anything. So, I Kindly explained what the Definist Fallacy is again. She could have responded then – but didn’t. Several times I quoted Dr Farra statement that the Definsit Fallacy is “spiritual poison” to indicate my negative views of the Definist Fallacy were valid.
It couldn’t be clearer that to them what my beliefs and values are - Yet, the truth of it is that my beliefs were nothing but dogs**t to them. I can show via my messages – documented that KP and Dr Neal’s actions were the complete and diametric opposite of what medical recommendations are. I believe it would be safe to say that the DOJ woudl never accept a complaint unless there was a legitimate question or issue.
Part I: Synchronicity: Acausal Meaning Inter-Connectivity!
While "acausal" refers to events or objects outside the conventional physics' theories of cause and effect, the real meaning of synchronicity could perhaps be holistically or spiritually described as a fusion of magic and mystery, as well as a sense of "Oneness and Unity with the All" - which is sometimes grasped as an awareness of an underlying interconnectivity or Inter-Being of life, matter and energy, as Stefan Schindler, the Buddhist scholar puts it. At times, synchronicity is, in essence, an awareness of the potential of an interdimensional interconnectivity in which meaning from a different reality can insert itself into our reality, a it were. Charles de Lint, author of fiction and fantasy, expressed his idea of synchronicity when he observed, "I do believe in an everyday sort of magic -- the
inexplicable connectedness we sometimes experience with places, people, works
of art and the like; the eerie appropriateness of moments of synchronicity; the
whispered voice, the hidden presence, when we think we're alone."
Jung states in Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle: “Meaningful coincidences are thinkable as pure chance. But the more they multiply and the greater and more exact the correspondence is, the more their probability sinks and their unthinkability increases, until they can no longer be regarded as pure chance but, for lack of a causal explanation, have to be thought of as meaningful arrangements” (1981, pp. 518-519).
Nancy Furlotti, in her article, Tracing a Red Thread: Synchronicity and Jung's Red Book, observes about synchronicity that, "From Jung’s (1981) writings, it is clear that several factors must be present for an event to be synchronistic. First of all, there must be an interest in the observer’s mind, and with that interest comes a heightened affect. Affect emerges from archetypes, which are the a priori ordering principles of nature, the world, and the psyche. When an archetype is activated, energy is put in motion that does not adhere to the laws of causality, or time and space. Instead it moves in its own way between psyche, or the unconscious, and matter, or reality. Jung calls this movement acausal (1981); von Franz calls it field thinking as opposed to causal or linear thinking (1980, p. 8). According to field thinking, certain events happen together at the same time. Simultaneity seems to be the uniting element of the events.
Jung's Golden Scarab Beetle
The genesis of Jung’s concept of “synchronicity,” was given birth by the uncannily, well-timed appearance of a golden scarab beetle. One night, a young woman who was a patient and client of Carl Jung, the famous psychologist and psychotherapist, at a critical time in her treatment had a vivid dream of being given a golden scarab beetle (cetonia aurata). The next day, while the young woman was relating the dream to Carl Jung, as Jung relates it: "I sat with my back to the closed window. Suddenly I heard a noise behind me, like a gentle tapping. I turned round and saw a flying insect knocking against the window-pane from outside. I opened the window and caught the creature in the air as it flew in.
It was the nearest analogy to a golden
scarab that one finds in our latitudes, a scarabaeid beetle, the common
rose-chafer (Cetonia aurata), which contrary to its usual habits had evidently
felt an urge to get into a dark room at this particular moment. I must admit
that nothing like it ever happened to me before or since, and that the dream of
the patient has remained unique in my experience." (CW8 - 843) Carl Jung was thunder-struck by the incredible "synchronicity" of these two separate actions and, so, the idea of synchronicity emerged - a discovery produced by the coincidental and synchronous appearance and occurrence of the golden scarab in the patient’s dream coupled with the highly unlikely appearance of a golden scarab. In Jung describes synchronicity as an acausal action, and in the golden scarab beetle story a "meaning from another reality could possibly be portrayed as being acausally connected with the meaning from a reality separated by long distances but, perhaps, still connected by some 'cosmic intelligence.'
Acausal Reality and Quantum Entanglement
The famous physicist Pauli recognizes that an "acausal reality" does, in truth, exist - perhaps from his knowledge of quantum entanglement in which two subatomic particles can be separated by long distances yet intimately and inextricably connected with synchronous reactions faster than the speed of light. Albert Einstein could never really grasp the reality of quantum entanglement and never truly fully embraced since, in his view, the quantum entanglement phenomenon,by all appearances, violated his understanding and knowledge of physics. The brilliant Russian thinker and novelist, Lev Tolstoy was, perhaps, the first 'Western' thinker to recognize that the "meaning of life" actually lay outside 'scientific' cause and effect. The modern scientist, Pauli similarly observed that “although [particle physics] allows for an acausal form of observation, it actually has no use for the concept of ‘meaning’” — that is, meaning is not a fundamental function of reality but an interpretation superimposed by the human observer." Perhaps, this could possibly be taken to suggest that "Truth" might be transcendental or acausal in nature and meaning from one reality (divine or cosmic) could be potentially acausally connected with the meaning of a human being's reality?
Carl Jung observed about Logos, "There is no consciousness without discrimination of opposites. This is the paternal principle, the Logos, which eternally struggles to extricate itself from..... unconsciousness....[Yet] Consciousness can only exist through continual recognition of the unconscious....." (Arch and Unc, p. 96) In that sense, it could be, perhaps, in this sense, then, that "synchronicity" is a reflection of the divine Logos extricating itself from the limits and prison of the unconscious.
It would seem reasonable to ask whether the Truth or Logos, especially in light of these ideas and 'complexes'being constructs of meaning, both in a human and a physical context, could possibly be, i n the end, an "acausal Truth" in essence. Nancy Furlotti states, "When an archetype is activated, energy is put in motion that does not adhere to the laws of causality, or time and space. Instead it moves in its own way between psyche or the unconscious, and matter, or reality." So, it would seem to follow that an individual's "Truth" and consciousness definitely, as Pauli observes, would be "an interpretation superimposed by the human observer" involving "acausal" influences beyond a person's ordinary perception.
Acausal Intelligence
The legendary physicist and a pioneer of quantum physics, Max Planck, stated unequivocally that, "All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force... We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter." Nancy Furlotti highlights that Jung also emphasized the matter-energy locus and that Jung argued that transfer and conversion of energy and spirit to matter is an underlying principle of the universe.
A Cosmic ConnectivityComparative View: The Force, Holy Spirit, and Collective Consciousness!
Kathi (my wife) - Daughter of FBI agent
FBI Profiler John Douglas: Wheels Within Wheels
The Pre-9/11 Debacle
All-Seeing, All Knowing - NOT!
The "What a nightmare" Warning-Prediction in Perspective
At the End of the Day!
I do have a notarized very detailed and unprecedented precognitive spiritual-psychic warning, as well as 6 or 7 other documented precognitive dreams or perceptions, as well as perhaps uo to a coupel dozen undocumented experiences - All which could be said to be preceptions fo threats to the group.
Link to more Documented precognitive Dream and Perceptions
Political Intuition-Precognition - 6 or 7 "Documented" Precognitive Dreams and Perceptions!
A Condensed Typewritten Write up of the Actual Written What a Nightmare Document
Psychic Prediction: What a nightmare
1. A group with money fabricates a terrible bomb;
2. In a nightmare it came to me that 22 were
3. assembled against me, I being America,
4. Such hell this causes me that I asked Sister Fuljenzi
5. To call an exorcist. For surely I said Satan
6. I have no time!” In this nightmare they
7. Like a bat out of hell from the future I flew!
8. Like someone lost in a steaming jungle I screamed
9. Monkey screams and snake hiss are the only return.
10. Security bonds – money – a woman – keys to the whole thing.
11. Near Miss, you said – where? – might be New York or Miami.
12. Satan was there, I spit in that face
13. For surely as insane as this nightmare is
14. There are people insanely satanic out there, I know
15. Time is at hand! Time is at hand and angel spoke
16. Fight Hard; Die Well – a prophet spoke
17. I have never heard; the Faith – the Mustard Seed
18. It almost seemed that Christ was there.
I removed the fluff – the non-straightforward lines and the over-the-top emotional lines
1. These lines indicate it was a threat to the country in general since they were notorious for bombing buildings.
Is at hand. Many times I say call the FBI, Secret Service,
the President, Congress, Forewarn them!
Many times I have said “Come talk to me
2. This did come true in 1984
said he is insane; the booby hatch for him!
3. Important in my thinking about prophecy –
Prediction has nothing to do with nothing, I pray this is wrong
Copy of the "What a nightmare" Warning.
I included a copy of the "Mustard Seed" or "What a nightmare" warning below. Dorothy Soldwhich was the notary public and the date is on the side. I added the Weathermen manifesto on top to give the "What a nightmare" warning some perspective, since it could be said to largely mirror the tone and attitude of the Weathermen manifesto.
A Poetic Illustration of transcendental or an "acausal connectivity" from Psalm 19:
1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
2 Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.
3 There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.
4 Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun,
5 Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race.
6 His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof.
Here is a link to my FB page where I make posts about the intersection of psychology and spirituality:
Content Copyrighted Charles E Peck Jr. Copyright © 2020
References and Footnotes
Albert Einstein comprehensive website:
John Bargh, PhD:
Carl Jung:
Carl Jung:
William James:
St. Augustine:
St. Gregory of Nyssa (wikiorg):